You can find your Coach purse color abbreviations on most price tags that come with these bags. Knowing what colors the letters and numbers stand for can be pretty much nothing but guess work if you are not familiar with the product. There are several reasons why the combinations are hard to understand. First, there are lots of colors. Second, Coach usually separates the color abbreviations by each part, or material the purse is made from. For example, you will have a color abbreviation for the fabric, the leather and the hardware. When there are this many combinations being used it can get confusing! Still, it is very useful.
Let's see what a coach purse color abbreviation might look like. Usually the abbreviation order is hardware, body, leather. We'll use a Soho Signature Wristlet as an example. The wristlet body is khaki color. The hardware is silver and the leather trim, hang tag and strap is chocolate. The tag code (or color abbreviation), usually on the upper right hand corner, will likely show the following:
This abbreviation code stands for S-Silver, KH-Khaki and CH-Chocolate. Easy enough, right?
Not exactly! (but we'll get through it!) Chocolate and chestnut are both close in color and who would really know that CH is chocolate and not chestnut, or cherry for that matter? If you need to know these color abbreviations, it can get confusing. These Coach color abbreviations are important when trying to find a perfect match for your Coach purse or accessory. Sometimes the colors are closely matched but you can only be sure of a perfect match by using the Coach color abbreviations found on the tag.
Another variation of how the color abbreviations are used is that some abbreviations such as Pink will have a number after them such as: Pk1 or Pk4. This can be especially important to know when buying online. The only sure way to an exact match are the color abbreviations and it's always best to ask the seller what the color code says on the tag before purchasing, making sure it's the same as your coach purse color abbreviation printed on your tag.
The hardware does not offer as much trouble and is fairly straight forward. The main metals you will see are BZ-Bronze, B-Brass, GM-Gun Metal and S or SV-Silver. Brass will often have a number after it like B4. To many, brass is brass with the exception of antique brass but again, if you are looking for a perfect match the coach abbreviations are the only certain way to make it happen.
Though not important for matching, Coach also has some standard tag abbreviations for style collections which can be useful. Most are self explanatory such as HMW for Hamptons Weekend or GAL for Gallery. Others are not as obvious such as PFM for Perfume or FLT for Flirt. It's best to use a good Coach color abbreviation chart when you really need to be sure of an abbreviated color or style.
Stop guessing your coach purse color abbreviations and start knowing for sure you've got a perfect match! Hello, my name is Ray Sherman and I've got a useful little chart posted on my website that's just what you need for your exact color matching needs! Don't get stuck with something that "almost" matches. Visit me now at and check out my Coach color chart!
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Latico Eelskin Framed Coin Purse 8400 (Women's) - Turquoise
Small leather goods with classic vintage appeal feature saturated color, unique silky texture and durability. Classic silhouettes meet bold luscious color and texture. Available Colors: Fuschia, Turquoise.
Latico Eelskin Framed Coin Purse 8400 (Women's) - TurquoiseRoyce Leather French Purse Wallet 151-5 (Women's) - Coco Leather
Beautiful and Practical this Top Grain Nappa Leather wallet will hold all your needs. Turnlock closure, six credit card pockets, two currency pockets, a change pocket on the outside with a framed clasp closure, two additional pockets, and a striped moir? lining that adds to the elegance. Available Colors: Black/Carnation Pink Leather, Black Leather, Coco Leather.
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Inspired by a south of France design, Cannes is a unique style created with bright cotton canvas and pebbled leather with unique strap details. It features an interior zipped pocket, two slip pockets, a pen loops, and a key leash. The shoulder strap has decorative loop details. Available Colors: Gold, Red, Blue.
Ellington Cannes Purse 2419 (Women's) - GoldEllington Cannes Purse 2419 (Women's) - Red
Inspired by a south of France design, Cannes is a unique style created with bright cotton canvas and pebbled leather with unique strap details. It features an interior zipped pocket, two slip pockets, a pen loops, and a key leash. The shoulder strap has decorative loop details. Available Colors: Gold, Red, Blue.
Ellington Cannes Purse 2419 (Women's) - RedPiel Leather Mini Purse w/Flap 2740 (Women's) - Ivory Leather
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Piel Leather Mini Purse w/Flap 2740 (Women's) - Ivory LeatherPiel Leather Purse With Front Pocket 2436 (Women's) - Pastel Pink/Chocolate Leather
This bag has zip entry to the main compartment, a cell phone and open pocket, a front pocket with magnetic snap opening. There's a rear zip pocket. The bag is fabric lined and there is double 17" shoulder straps. Available Colors: Black Leather, Saddle Leather, Pastel Pink Leather, Pastel Green/Chocolate Leather, Red Leather, Pastel Blue Leather, Pastel Purple/Chocolate Leather, Pastel Blue/Chocolate Leather, Pastel Purple Leather, Chocolate Leather, Pastel Pink/Chocolate Leather.
Piel Leather Purse With Front Pocket 2436 (Women's) - Pastel Pink/Chocolate LeatherSumo 15" Laptop Purse (Women's) - Red
This computer bag is made from 1680D ballistic nylon with leather accents and has a padded corduroy computer compartment, a roomy main compartment for cords, files, and other accessories, a printed lining, exterior pockets for a phone and an MP3 player with a headphone port, and two soft leather shoulder straps.
Sumo 15" Laptop Purse (Women's) - RedElaine Turner Small Leather French Purse (Women's)
This French purse has signature pink lining, flap closure with a custom crown sheen.
Elaine Turner Small Leather French Purse (Women's)Elaine Turner Small Leather French Purse (Women's)
This French purse has signature pink lining, flap closure with a custom crown sheen.
Elaine Turner Small Leather French Purse (Women's)